About Lejeune Society
The Lejeune Society
Our Constitution
We believe in the inalienable dignity of the human person and the need in today’s culture to recapture the ultimate meaning and value of life and its fundamental values.
We hold that the family is the basic foundation and building-block of every society and nourishes and strengthens the nation. It is primarily within the family that each individual learns to be a human person, living and interacting in relationship with others. We thus affirm that marriage and family life constitute one of the most precious of human values.
We uphold the value of human reason and affirm the need, especially in a multicultural and multi-religious society, for debate and discussion to be made based on what is common to all: we therefore champion a healthy intellectual, philosophical, sociological and scientific discussion on our core human values.
Our vision, therefore, is to contribute to the building of a culture of life and a civilization of love in Singapore.
Our mission is to promote a deep understanding of the dignity of the human person and how the individual flourishes in relationship with others.
Based on the above, we are led to take the following stated positions:
- That every human being, from conception to natural death, has an inherent dignity which must be protected and defended.
- That, for the human person, and for society, to remain stable and flourish the definition of marriage as an exclusive, life-long union between a man and a woman should be preserved.
- That sexuality is something beautiful and joyful when shared within the context of marriage between a man and a woman, who are equal in dignity as human persons and not objects of selfish pleasure. It is from this perspective that sexuality becomes the sign of total self-giving that it is meant to be.
Membership is open to all who wish to see a culture of life and civilization of love flourish in Singapore, regardless of religious beliefs or lack thereof. We also hope that this society would provide a forum where all people, regardless of differences in faith, can discuss issues that are important to every human being.
Our Name – Lejeune Society
Dr. Jerome Lejeune was a French geneticist and pediatrician whose work on chromosomal abnormalities led him to discover the cause of Down’s Syndrome. He was a man devoted to the sciences and attracted to exploring the marvels of the human body, its intricate workings and its beginnings in the womb. He also believed that medicine had to be put into the service of life, rather than death, and that since the ancient times medicine had always fought against sickness and death, for health and life. He devoted his energy and his time to those with Down’s Syndrome, seeking ways to help them as well as defending their dignity and worth before a world of skeptics. He was also a very loving husband and father, and ensured that his career and the battles he was fighting for Down’s Syndrome children did not encroach on his responsibilities to his family.
We see in Dr Lejeune’s life and work the ideals our society hopes to espouse: a deep appreciation of the dignity of every human person and a realization of the importance of sexuality, marriage and family life.
More about Dr Lejeune from Wikipedia NY Times Trisomy 21